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Martisorul Ecologic

Short description:
"Martisorul" is a Romanian tradition, through which is celebrated the spring and the rebirth of nature. Therefore, NGO Mare Nostrum has organized in 2008 the event called "Martisorul Ecologic", which has reached now the 4th edition.

This year, "Martisorul Ecologic" has focused on promoting among the citizens of Constanta the benefits we can provide to the environment by recycling the waste that we can reuse in better purposes than throwing it away.


The decorative objects called "martisoare" were realised by children from more than 80 kindergartens, schools and high-schools of Constanta County. They were exposed, evaluated by a jury and the most original of them were awarded.

"Martisorul Ecologic" was promoted through the local televisions, radios and newspapers and through the materials realised especially for this event (posters and bagdes).

The result was the involving of more than 200 teachers and 400 pupils in creating aproximately 1800 "martisoare", made out of recyclable, ecological and biodegradeble materials.

Actor(s):Mare Nostrum NGO
Type of material:ehhibition
Language (of the material):Romanian
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